The proposed DBA programme is designed to advance the professional development of practising managers and other professionals in the field of business and management through the generation of knowledge that contributes to existing management practices and policies.
Students undertaking this programme will be able to develop the abilities to develop conceptual and theoretical frameworks and critically analyse real world problems to come up with appropriate solutions to the problems. Students will also have the capability to generate new ideas, new knowledge and new innovations for the betterment of their companies and community.
The programme draws upon theoretical and practical perspectives to illuminate understanding and application of business principles in actual business environment and within the context in which they take place.
This programme comprised three parts:
After completing the required courses (PART I) learners will begin the research and thesis work (PART II) under the guidance of a supervisor. Each learner will meet the assigned supervisor at least 4 times in a semester and achieve satisfactory progress in the research / thesis work before being allowed to register in the subsequent semester.
When the learner has completed the thesis and is ready for examination, an examining committee consisting of one internal examiner and one external examiner will be appointed to assess the thesis (PART III).
Source: Open University Malaysia (OUM)