Setelah pelajar-pelajar bergraduat dari program ini, mereka dapat:
1. Menguasai ilmu dan pengetahuan dalam bidang perancangan pembangunan,
2. Menguasai kemahiran teknikal, termasuk penggunaan teknologi dalam perancangan ,
3. Mempunyai pengetahuan serta kemahiran dalam menyelesaikan masalah dan berperanan sebagai anggota masyarakat yang peka terhadap perkembangan isu-isu sosial semasa,
4. Menunjukkan profesionalisma dan nilai etika serta moral dalam berkongsi ilmu,
5. Memainkan peranan pro-aktif di dalam masyarakat dengan terlibat dalam perbincangan isu-isu kemasyarakatan, dan mempunyai kebolehan untuk bekerja dalam pasukan,
6. Berfikir secara rasional, analitikal, kreatif dan kritis, berupaya menjalankan penyelidikan, membuat analisis dan interpretasi ke atas hasil kajian.,
7. Mengaplikasikan kemahiran-kemahiran yang diperolehi di dalam keperluan kehidupan harian, dan
8. Menguasai kemahiran dalam merancang, mengurus dan menilai projek, serta meneroka peluang keusahawanan.
Courses offered during the three years program are as below:
Year 1
The course introduces students to the application of psychological concepts in contemporary society. Main areas of psychology taught in this course are general psychology, developmental, social and abnormal psychology. This also includes key topics such as learning, memory, social communication and motivation which will also be discussed in-depth in order to bring about understanding their relevancy to everyday life and work. Different core psychological domains such as cognition, social, perception and emotion that are fundamental to understanding of human behaviour will be examined.
Anthropology and sociology are two distinctive disciplines BUT at the same time fundamentally share one common characteristic, that is, the study of human phenomena. More often than not sociology is perceived as the study of human social life in urban societies whereas anthropology is the study of human cultures and rural communities. While sociology is usually perceived to study social behaviors such as juvenile delinquency, family structure and criminal behaviors, anthropology tends to study cultural functions such as the rites of passage, kinship and ritual chastisement.
In this course, the student is expected to understand that anthropology and sociology do not merely give them the academic insight to society but also plays a fundamental role in their lives as they attempt to understand the wider facets of social relationships and experiences. More importantly, introducing anthropology and sociology will hopefully enable the student to critically question what they already know and claim to understand as being part of their society.
This course will discuss the changes in patterns of communication within a society by focusing on the historical transition from traditional communication system, its transformation processes, to its contemporary modern forms. The characteristics of communication that will be focused in this course are human and mass communication. Among the topics that will be discussed will be culture and society, media literacy, general opinion, persuasion, new communication technology and its effects on society, and towards information society.
Societies are not just simply an amorphous mass of people. A society is characterised by differentiation of people into various categories according to social divisions such as gender, ethnicity and class. These divisions form the basis for the distribution of power, status and opportunities. Who we are depends on how and where we fit into society. An understanding of how the intersection of these forces work in the life of an individual is imperative for all students of social sciences.
This course is an introduction to statistical concepts in various fields of the social sciences. The course consists of: (1) Descriptive statistics which cover univariate and multivariate data, probabilities, the normal distribution and variability sampling; (2) Inferential statistics which deal with hypothesis testing, analysis of variance (ANOVA), linear correlation and regression analysis.
This course contextualises the historical development of the social sciences within world civilization. It introduces students to important social science terminology in preparation for the understanding of other courses in the faculty. It also gives students an opportunity to conceptualise and explain social reality through social science perspectives.
This is not a conventional history course which deals with events in a chronological order. Instead, it discusses history thematically and exposes the student to the processes of social and historical transformation.
This course highlights in detail the range of academic topics in political science to include theoretical approaches, basic concepts and definition of politics in the context of formal government institutions, power relations, value distribution systems and public policies. In addition, concepts about power, states, sovereignty and political culture will be covered. This course also discusses basic political concepts which later pave the way for constructing debates and discussions of current political affairs. There are four components in this introductory course namely; the field of political science, political institutions, political processes and politics and society. With emphasis on these four areas, it is hoped that students will be able to critically analyse and understand the subject of political science
This course is divided into three major sections, namely, Section I: Understanding basic economic concepts, principles and theories; Section II: Understanding national and global Economy, and Section III: Analysing social issues from the economic perspective. Section I exposes students to topics related to the definition of economics, some basic economic concepts, principles and theories and their relationship to us. Theories of demand and supply, the application of elasticity concept, as well as different market structures will be discussed in Section I. Section II helps students to relate national economy to their daily lives. Topics covered in this section include measuring a nation?s income, measuring the cost of living, money and banking system, unemployment, foreign exchange, international trade and its importance among nations. Some basic concepts of open-economy macroeconomics as well as economic growth and public policy will also be discussed in Section II. The final section provides students with the opportunity to apply their understanding and knowledge concerning basic economic principles on contemporary social issues that are related to their respective field of study.
Year 2
This course encompasses the study of socio-economic and environmental policies, programmes and problems faced by the developing countries. The topics covered in this course include theories of development and underdevelopment, structural reforms and roles of non-governmental organizations (NGOs). It also discusses the agricultural transformation, industrialization, rural-urban migration, deterioration of environmental quality, advancement and development in health, education and social services as well as sustainable development.
This course will enable students to understand certain aspects of biological sciences in so far as its intrinsic relationship with human and human activities on earth. Starting with understanding of the balance that exist within the earth and the complex eco-systems (human-plants-animals-air-water-sun and the relationship between each and all) that exist to sustain life form as we know, the course will examine what human activites are doing to the balance and the system. This will expose students to the complexity of the environment and development is producing. Global debate and Malaysian situation will be drawn upon to indicate where the debate is heading.
Kursus ini membincangkan isu-isu yang berkaitan dengan pembangunan ekonomi sesebuah Negara, khasnya di Negara-Negara Dunia Ketiga. Teori-teori pembangunan yang utama akan dibincangkan untuk memberi pemahaman yang lebih mendalam tentang proses pembangunan. Kaitan perdagangan dengan pembangunan serta isu-isu berkaitan dengan dasar-dasar sesebuah negara juga dibincangkan, terutama di kalangan negara membangun. Kursus ini juga meninjau beberapa faktor sosio-ekonomi yang menyumbang kepada pembangunan serta halangan atau cabaran yang boleh membantutkan pembangunan di sesebuah negara.
This course examines the philosophical foundation for the creation of knowledge in the social sciences. Students will be exposed to the major school of thoughts concerning social sciences as a science. The course explores the intersection between knowledge, society and culture, and interrogates knowledge production from a social science perspective. Topics that will be included in this course are the theoretical debates in sociology of knowledge, the relationship between empirical knowledge and cultural values or ideologies.
This course will introduce the students to various computer applications and software that are used in the field of planning and management. Students will be exposed to different computer software such as Excel Spreadsheet, Microsoft Solver, Microsoft Project and SPSS.
Kursus ini memperkenalkan konsep-konsep dan isu berkaitan dengan perencanaan program pembangunan: perancangan & perlaksanaan projek. Penekanan akan diberi kepada strategi atau cara-cara untuk merancang & melaksana serta penilaian sesuatu program pembangunan. Kursus ini juga akan meliputi perbincangan mengenai beberapa konsep dan pendekatan untuk menilai kebaikan serta keberkesanan sesuatu projek pembangunan.
Year 3
Kursus Disertasi merupakan sebahagian daripada syarat untuk penganugerahan Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains Sosial.
Sektor awam terdiri daripada pelbagai organisasi yang menjalankan pelbagai aktiviti. Organisasi-organisasi tersebut dibentuk oleh kerajaan untuk mencapai matlamat politik, objektive politik, dan dasar kerajaan. Model tradisi pentadbiran awam yang telah diadaptasikan untuk mengurus organisasi awam telah didapati terlalu birokratik, sangat tidak efisien, dan terlalu terhad atau rigid. Organisasi awam perlu mengalami perubahan ketara jika Negara ingin maju kerana:
a) kriteria kejayaan dalam organisasi awam tidak sejelas kriteria kejayaan dalam sektor swasta;
b) organisasi awam memberi tumpuan lebih kepada proses; dan
c) organisasi awam juga mengabaikan keputusan. Pelbagai mekanisme pembaharuan telah diaksanakan untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang dihadapi organisasi awam termasuk membenarkan organisasi swasta memainkan peranan sebagai pembekal barangan dan perkhidmatan.
Pengurusan awam yang baru (new public management) membolehkan kerajaan untuk memberi tumpuan lebih kepada perkara-perkara yang lebih besar dan penting. Matlamat pendekatan baru pengurusan awam adalah untuk mengurangkan pembaziran wang rakyat, dan ini adalah sebab utama pembaharuan berlaku dalam sektor awam. Kursus ini akan menolong pelajar untuk memahami keperluan untuk mengadaptasikan teknik pengurusan korporat dan governan korporat ke dalam sektor awam.
Kursus ini memperkenalkan topik-topik yang berkaitan dengan kerjaya seorang perancang wilayah. Pengetahuan dalam pembangunan wilayah membantu menjelaskan masalah ekonomi, politik dan transformasi fizikal pada skala yang lebih besar. Pelajar-pelajar akan didedahkan kepada asas teori dan metod untuk menganalisis perubahan urban dan wilayah selain diberi pendedahan tentang isu-isu kontemporari dalam pembangunan wilayah.
Kursus ini mengenalkan kepada pelajar unsur-unsur asas dalam penilaian projek dan analisis kos faedah. Ia menyentuh konsep-konsep perancangan, pengurusan, pelaksanaan dan penilaian projek awam dan swasta, khususnya isu-isu yang menyentuh kebajikan sosial dan impak antara generasi. Ia juga mendedahkan kepada kaedah tentang cara dan bila menggunakan alat-alat perancangan di dalam pemilihan dan penilaian projek.
It is imperative for social science students living in the developing world to have an understanding of the theories which govern development practices. Development is a controversial term and far from that which has a taken for granted meaning. This course takes students not only through the various theories on development but also introduces feminist critiques to these development theories. An understanding of these critiques is imperative as development is a gendered process.
Kursus Disertasi merupakan sebahagian daripada syarat untuk penganugerahan Ijazah Sarjana Muda Sains Sosial.
Kursus ini bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan teknologi dan perisian yang biasa digunakan dalam perancangan, disamping meningkatkan pemahaman pelajar tentang aplikasi teknologi berkenaan. Pelajar akan didedahkan kepada pelbagai perisian komputer termasuk SPSS, Microsoft Project, Microsoft Solver dan Sistem Maklumat Geografi & Penderiaan Jarak Jauh (GIS & Remote Sensing).
Kursus ini menjelaskan tentang dinamik dan peristiwa-peristiwa dalam kajian demografi. Ia bertujuan memberi pendedahan kepada pelajar tentang teknik demografi asas dan penggunaan data demografi. Faktor-faktor yang mengubah struktur populasi akan turut dibincangkan. Kesan populasi terhadap penggubalan polisi, sosial, alam sekitar dan pembangunan akan turut diberi perhatian.
This course will emphasize on the definition and procedures that are involved in the EIA and SIA processes. Students will be exposed to the techniques of implementing environmental and social impact assessment. Case studies and current EIA and SIA practices in Malaysia and Sarawak will used to teach students. The course will also discuss problems, challenges and future of the impact assessment in general terms.
Source: Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS)