This programme is specifically designed to provide:
What you will study
The first year programme comprises modules from the areas of finance, economics and mathematics. The objective of the first year is to equip students with the basic tools of mathematical, financial, accounting and economic analysis which will be required for the modules to follow at Level 2.
Statistical Investigation module forms the basis for later statistics options. Linear Algebra, Calculus, Discrete Mathematics, Probability Models and Statistical Inference are introductory level courses designed to prepare students for using mathematics & statistics in other contexts.
Economics will provide students with a better understanding of the Business Environment. Financial Accounting skills and the core principles underlying financial theory will be introduced in this level which will be enhanced in the higher level. Business & Communication Skills will further equip students with the communication skills required to cope with academic demands of degree level study in all disciplines.
In addition to the above, all students are also required to successfully complete General Studies modules as stipulated by the Malaysian Qualification Agency, as well as fulfill credit requirements for Co-Curricular Activities.
This level looks at applications of mathematics and statistics in the Financial & insurance sectors. The modules offered will cover techniques for the analysis of results from experiments and surveys where students will be doing modules like Regression Analysis, Time Series & Forecasting, Life Contingencies as well as Linear Programming.
Modules such as Financial Mathematics, Financial Planning & Control, Financial Statement Analysis and Financial management will allow students to explore finance in greater depths, both at the planning and management aspect. The Financial Economics module will introduce students to the necessary skills to construct asset liability models and to value financial derivatives whereas Life Contingencies module will provide students
with a grounding in the mathematical techniques which can be used to model and value cashflows dependent on death, survival, or other uncertain risks.
Ethics & Corporate Governance will also be taught in this level to provide students with relevant knowledge, skills and professional judgment in which companies are directed and controlled.
Students will also use their co curricular activities (social, sport, cultural etc.) as evidence of the development of their personal skills, which are highly regarded by employers. They will collect this information in a portfolio and submit together with an essay showing how these experiences have helped to develop your employability skills such as social, interpersonal, planning, communications and many others.
After the completion of Level 2 students will undertake a short Internship. This will enable them to experience the culture and ethos of a working environment and formal employment. Students will benefit from seeing how the skills and knowledge acquired are applied in a practical setting and enhance their employment prospects upon graduation.
Corporate Finance, Risk Theory, Financial Derivatives, Macroeconomics Policy & Financial Markets, and Portfolio Management modules will further enhance the knowledge of an individual to plan, manage, and analyze the financial and monetary aspects and performance of business enterprises, banking institutions or other organisations.
Insurance Practice and Survival Analysis modules introduce students to a wide range of concepts and terminologies in insurance providing students with basic skills of calculating various insurance related items. Introduction to Stochastic Process will introduce students to a range of stochastic process which are used as modeling tools in diverse fields of applications.
Students will also carry out an individually researched project and their own investigations into areas related to investment, finance, commerce or insurance.
With highly specialized skills primarily for the Insurance industry, but also extending to other sectors, graduates may work as Actuarial Executives, Risk Analysts, Consultants, Statisticians, Mathematicians, Insurance Industry Specialists in Life and Health Insurance or Property and Casualty Insurance, Credit Manager, Policy Makers, Bank Executives, Financial Analysts, Financial Planning Advisors or even as Administrator and Entrepreneurs.
Source: Asia Pacific University