This program is based on Civil Engineering discipline. This discipline requires a broad knowledge referring
to civil engineering fields. The objective of this program is to produce graduates who are academically
qualified and skilled in the areas of civil engineering. The graduates are able to apply the knowledge
given and become a professional engineer. Students who follow this program will be exposed to various
fields of knowledge about engineering that include design structures, foundations, concrete and steel,
geomatics, geotechnical, water supply, highway, water resources, construction project management,
IBS and materials. This program is accredited by Engineering Accreditation Council Malaysia (EAC) and
Board of Engineering Malaysia (BEM).
A wide range of job opportunities and career prospect is available for the graduates as they will be trained in multidisciplinary studies encompasses on processes, functions and performance as well as structural and construction engineering. UniMAP’s Bachelor of Civil Engineering graduates now have better opportunities in public and private sectors. The sectors that offer job opportunities related to civil engineering field are as follows
Major careers for civil engineering program are as follows
Source : Universti Malaysia Perlis (UniMap)